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May 28, 2021
4th Class Tour
4th Class had a fantastic day at Navan Adventure Centre where the rain couldn't stop the students from throughly enjoying themselves. The...

May 24, 2021
Prism or Pyramid?
5th Class were creating 3D prisms or pyramids! We wondered: how can you tell the difference between a prism or a pyramid? We discovered...

May 24, 2021
Veni vidi vici ... Vera's Class!
5th Class are learning about the Romans! 5th Class are hard at work researching and compiling information about the Roman Empire for a...

May 24, 2021
We earned our Coding Badges!
Congratulations to four of our fourth class students who have earned their first two certificates and first badges in coding. The...

May 22, 2021
We've earned our Active Badges!
Three of our Fourth Class students have, after great effort, earned their Active Badges! This has been no easy feat for those involved...

May 11, 2021
Cricket comes to MPETNS.
Each Tuesday of this term we have Cricket lessons for the children in our school. Stay tuned for more photos of our sessions. Thank you...

May 10, 2021
Active Week- Basketball
On Friday of Active week- some of our classes took part in basketball lessons! They had a great time despite the conditions. A big thank...

May 10, 2021
Sports for Fun- Seniors
On Friday of our Active week- the senior end of the school had their sports for fun activities out in our 'secret garden' area! We did...
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